NIFT | NID | B.Arch | NATA | BFA Most of The Toppers in Were From RFS NIFT NID Coaching Institute. In Sumati Place, Boring Road Patna, RFS NIFT NID Coaching Institute has been Running for 27 year's and with Excellent Results, Most of the Toppers From Bihar Are RFS NIFT NID Coaching Institute, This is the Result of the Hard Work of Prof. Raj Chitrakar Also, All the Faculty who Teach here have been Toppers in Their Respective Fields, RFS NIFT NID Coaching Institute makes every possible effort for the students and will continue to do so. Here the students are made top by forming General, Achiever and Winner groups, hence here For 100% Result, first agreement is made, students can call 9835000222 for more information, after matriculation? What are the careers in the field of Art, Design, Architecture?
You can get this information from Raj Sir, RFS NIFT NID Coaching Institute is the only Coaching Center where every facility is available for the Students, like Multi Digital Class Room, Library, Design Studio Hall and Free Winner Hostel is also available along with other facilities. So till now I have made a distinct identity by making NIFTIAN above 10k, by giving first rank in NIFT 20 times, in NID 16 times, in NATA 18 times or in B.Arch 20 times, By giving First Rank in RFS, We have achieved fame and achievements with a different historical success, Which can be seen by visiting RFS NIFT NID Campus.